Tuesday, September 21, 2010

United Visual Artists

Some guys I admire at the moment are the collective of designers/engineers that work at United Visual Artists, they started the group with an aim to improve bands live performances with innovative uses of technology, but have diversified away from just working with bands and live performances to creating a whole host of different installations and pieces.

They predominately work with lights creating installations that try to involve the audience in the performance. For an example there installation called Volume DV where they have great tall monoliths of light that respond to how close someone is to each individual one, they also give out individual sounds that also correspond to the interaction between the audience and the piece.

They also work with a number of different bands creating videos and live performance shows for the likes of Massive Attack, U2, UNCKLE, and The Chemical Brothers.

They try to blur the lines between the audience and the performance; this is something I would love to work on either with bands where the crowd somehow interacts with the light show etc. or in a museum or gallery setting where the people the visit make the installation come alive.

Check out the interview below and some of their other work!

Music Video

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