Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Watch and Boot Design

These next three posts are to show examples of some of the projects that I particularly enjoyed working on. The first one I'm going to talk about is an assignment I was given in 3rd Year in Design Visualisation to create a watch design and ski boot design from scratch. Here I will describe the steps we went through. The design itself wasn't the point of the assignment it was an excuse to get good experience using Illustrator and Photoshop.

We did the basic vector sketch in Illustrator:

Then we did monochromatic shading using some Photoshop brushes:

We then added some colour and gave it a logo to make it look more like an advetisement:

For the boot project we were asked to do the same thing, I researched on some ski boot websites for inspiration and this is the final project that I came up with:

I really enjoyed this project and learned a lot when using Photoshop and Illustrator.

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