Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Flash Project

This second post is of a Flash project I created which I particularly enjoyed. I created a sequencer using Actionscript in Flash, and used Illustrator and Photoshop to create the interface. It was part of a 3rd year module called Interactive Multimedia. This is it up and running!!

In designing this application I tried to create a sequencer that primarily was easy for the user to use, and was astatically pleasing. I designed all buttons and sounds using illustrator and audacity respectively. I based the design of my sequencer loosely around a wind chime. I hoped that basing it on a familiar everyday object would help the user understand the sequencer better.

The sounds I used were based around a wind chimes sound. I used a 'kind of' pentatonic scale to match all the sounds together. To get the right pitch I brought a xylophone sound I got from The Freesound Project and brought it into audacity.

I started off with a mid range G flat. I altered it by cutting and fading out the ring at the end so that I got a sharper sound and I also brought the pitch down to C saved that and went back to the original and did the same for D, E, G, A, high C, high D and high E.

I also included some keyboard shortcuts which you are shown when you hover over the info icon. This was a very rewarding project and I learned a lot using Actionscript and Audasity. I look forward to working more with these programmes in the future.

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