Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Multi-touch Table

The third piece of work that I really enjoyed was a project and research paper that we built in second year, in a module called Directed Study. This project, which was done in a group, consisted of writing a paper on a subject which we were interested in and also making a video that related to the topic.

Our group, which consisted of Olivia Kennedy, Mark O'Leary, and I choose the subject of multi-touch tables. We wrote a paper which described three different multi-touch systems, the first was Microsoft Thinsight which was developed by Microsoft in Cambridge, the second was The DiamondTouch Display developed by Mitsubishi Electronic Research Laboratories(MERL), and the third was F.T.I.R (Frustrated Total Internal Reflection), used in a number of different touch screens.

Along with describing the three types we also made an MT mini and an interactive whiteboard. We built the whiteboard using a wii controller and some inferred lights; here is an example of how we did it. Below is a video which shows us giving a description of each system along with a demonstration of our MT mini.

This project was a very enjoyable project, it gave me great experience with the different multi-touch systems that where out at the time and it was really good to work in a team. We also as a surprise got a comment on our video from the developer of the MT mini Seth Sandler, complimenting us on our descriptions of the three systems.

Below I have put a link to a tutorial video showing how to build an MT mini for anyone who wants to build one.
The MT mini

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